Should You Tip Your Maid? Learn How Much Is OK (And What Else To Consider!)

Housekeeping professionals encounter a unique tipping scenario that differs from the customary situations we’re accustomed to. While tipping is a common practice when dining out, getting a haircut, or taking a taxi, it’s not always clear-cut when it comes to the individuals providing services in our own homes. 

Perhaps you’ve wondered about the etiquette of tipping your maid and how much is considered appropriate. If you find yourself pondering these questions, fear not! In this blog post, we’ll delve into the topic of gratuity for housekeeping professionals, providing you with insights and considerations to help you navigate this aspect of home service etiquette. 

How much is okay?

In Canada, the rule of thumb says it’s customary to give 15-20%, but it’s a flat rate in some cases. Examples of this are housekeeping staff and maids ($2 to $5 per night), valet ($2 to $5), and room service (15 percent of the bill or $2 at a minimum).

Tipping based on percentage seems fairer for a maid because of the effort necessary to clean a home. Anything from 10 to 20 percent will be welcome by your maid. However, tipping is never mandatory, as most maids in larger companies already make a living wage.

What else should I consider before tipping?

If you’re getting recurring house cleaning and everything goes like clockwork, you might be comfortable already with a flat-rate tip, especially when your maid is doing exceptional work. However, not every time your cleaning needs will be the same.

Here are some situations that you should consider before tipping your house cleaner:

Situation #1: It’s a bigger mess than usual

Having a maid during a critical moment is a lifesaver. For example, you have a reunion soon, but your bathroom and kitchen aren’t in the best condition. Or maybe you live with pets, and they’ve been making a mess. 

Sometimes your maid will need to work harder, which shouldn’t go without a reward. If you think your maid went above and beyond to deliver you a pristine home, you can give a bigger tip to say “thank you.”

Situation #2: You are satisfied with the service

Tipping is more about rewarding a well-done job than following a custom for many people. In this sense, giving a gratuity could work as feedback for your maid. Are you happy with the service? Then, you’ll likely feel like tipping—and the amount depends on how happy you are.

It also works the other way around: what if your cleaner does a “just ok” job? This question is totally valid. Not all maid services are the same, and if you’re not happy with the results, you might not feel compelled to throw extra cash.

Pro tip: Cleaning companies appreciate your feedback. You could reach customer service if you have comments about how they handle your house cleaning. 

Situation #3: The holidays are around the corner

Tipping or giving a present is customary around a holiday. If you schedule with the same cleaner throughout the year and your relationship is good, you might consider tipping handsomely during the holiday season.

Let Maids in Pink clean your home!

If you’re still looking for a maid, you can choose the best cleaning service in Calgary. All our cleaners are vetted and highly-rated professionals. Tips are welcome if you are happy with the service, but they are never mandatory!

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